When in Doubt, Play the Melody

The melody, in it’s most basic form, is the essence of a song, the ‘through line, the plot, the main theme, the thing that people walk away humming. It’s really fun to learn hot licks, and play fancy stuff that makes crowds stand up and listen. But playing the melody will make the audience remember. Would you rather make an audience clap once and forget everything you did or walk out humming what you just played?

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Adam MastersComment
"Play it Clean and Clear and Perty"

I”ve spent years figuring out how to think about fiddling, in order to be able to play anything I hear (at least in bluegrass, my primary fiddle language). This website is a place for me to share what I’ve figured out, and in doing so, clarify my thinking so that I can continue to improve as a player and a teacher. Thanks for visiting.

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Adam MastersComment